Showing Empathy to Customers
You may have heard about the experience of a Trader Joe's employee who delivered groceries to an elderly customer during a snowstorm. The employee displayed a strong sense of empathy, understanding the situation and recognizing the man's fear of a dangerous weather condition. This kind of behavior can go a long way in helping a customer's day. As a customer service professional, you should actively practice showing empathy to customers.
Trader Joe's delivered groceries to an elderly man in a snowstorm
One story that has gained widespread attention involves an 89-year-old man stuck in his apartment during a winter snowstorm. His daughter called around to find the nearest grocery store, and eventually he decided to go to Trader Joe's. After assessing the 89-year-old's health condition, the store agreed to deliver his groceries for free. Trader Joe's also offered to suggest low-sodium items for his diet, and wished him a Merry Christmas. It's not every day that a chain of grocery stores recognizes a customer's plight, but this store's employee was genuinely understanding of the 89-year-old's situation, and is demonstrating empathy to its customers in a way that is both commendable and inspiring.